Monday, 28 December 2015

North Georgia Flooding

It rained in Elljay.  Rained is an understatement.  Poured, doused... flooded.  Simple and so accurate.

I wasn't there to witness it, but apparently 4 inches of rain fell in just a matter an hour or two the very early morning of Christmas Eve.

I was in WV trying to spend time with family for the holidays when we got the terrifying call...

This is our store, Christmas Eve.

It has not flooded this bad since 1938.  The Cartecay runs directly behind it so there is always a chance, but I never expected it for real.

Thankfully we didn't actually flood.  It was waayyy too close for comfort, though.

Here is a few other pictures of the area.  Heck, it was so bad that even Atlanta reports came up to report.

Top is a park-- it is also known as the Apple Festival grounds.  Beneath that is the chicken plant in town.

There was pure destruction all around.  I can never be thankful enough that someone or something took mercy on us that day.

Wednesday, 16 December 2015

Mammaw's Spiced Gumdrop Cookies

My mom was visiting when she mentioned how much my dad loved his moms spiced gumdrop cookies.  My dad's mom is Mammaw.  She has no other name.  Well, she does, but not to me.

Anyway, Mom hooked me up with Mammaw's recipe so I baked a batch for her to take home to my dad.  I hope he thought to take some to my grandparents....

The recipe.  Easy to read, yes, but there is the whole fact that there are no instructions. Basically use baking common knowledge, dries together, wets together.  Mix together.  

 If I had to to this all by myself who knows what would've happened.... But it was Okay.   I had my mommy there coaching me to success.

There is something you much know about me... I, *hackum*, suck (?) at baking.  Yes.  Yes.  That word is a perfect description.

See, baking requires to much accuracy.  I like to throw a bunch of stuff together to see what happens--- to me a recipe should be a guideline.  Baking is not forgiving.... of anything.

Nevertheless, I baked a very successful first batch.  I halved the recipe and still had PLENTY of cookies.

I wish I took some pictures, they were quite beautiful.  I tried one and didn't care too much for it.  The cookie part of it was soft, moist, tasty.... but the spice drops were not something I enjoy.

Really this recipe would be a good base for anything-- chocolate chips, etc.

I would love to know if you try this recipe out.  I am sure Mammaw would love to hear about it, too!

Friday, 20 November 2015

I think about Christmas all year now...

Since I have bought this antique store, I have been forced to think about Christmas all year.  I set up the first Christmas items up before Halloween was even over.

This goes against everything I am...

BUT, that is how it has to be in this business.

I finally got some time to actually craft some things, Christmas themes of course.

Wednesday, 14 October 2015

Sugar Nation

Just got done reading Sugar Nation by Jeff O'Connell that I picked up at my local library.

Side note before I get into the book, libraries are awesome.  If you are not a part of yours, you need to be!

OKay, back to the book.

Let me start by saying this is a little like ready a very long college essay.  Trust me, it is worth it.  This book can set you on track to save your life.  Also, I am not a medical professional and you should always seek a professionals advice if you have questions about your diet.  (This book will also make you question, "who is the professional?")

Even if you are not worried about diabetes, I highly recommend taking the time to read why you should even without any family history.  It is very likely diabetes has nothing to do with genes, or at least for the majority of people.

Diabetes, especially at the pre-diabetic phase, has everything to do with our diet.

The enemy?

Take a guess....

If you are guessing sugar, that is just a very small piece to this actually simple cure.....

This book will open your eyes to a whole new, science backed thinking on preventing, treating, and reversing pre-diabetes and diabetes.

It's these guys.

Now, professionals warn not to completely get rid of carbs.  There are good ones and bad ones.  Or, in other words, simple and complex carbs.

The science is sciency but what it breaks down to is fiber is the difference.  Simple carbohydrates do not have the amount of fiber necessary to counteract the amount of sugar ingested.  

Wait, how did carbs turn into sugar?  That's more cool science stuff but simply put, carbs are sugar once ingested.  

The other part of the equation?

Exercise.  Even simply walking ever other day for a half hour or so can help tremendously.

Read this book, I implore you.  What you feed your body could kill you, slow and tortuously.  And do what I did, please.  Fact check everything.  You may also find your self needing to lift your jaw.  I did when reading about the governments blatant disregard of real evidence that goes against everything they have ever said about a diabetics diet.  Wait, that's the problem -- they were wrong, and too soon for pride to allow them to admit it now.

Thursday, 1 October 2015

Dupont and the "most brazen, deadly corporate gambits in US history"

Oh, you like the Erin Brockovich story?  You should DEFINITELY read this... it will shock and anger you.  And make you wonder how it is not getting more national/ worldly attention.

And there is nothing we can do about it now...

Thursday, 3 September 2015

Canning Salsa

I was busy this week canning salsa.  I didn't really have a salsa recipe last year when I decided to try this for the first time so I looked to the internet for help.  People on the internet know what they are doing, right?

I simply typed in best salsa ever, or something of the like, and what would you know -- the very first one I tried was a winner.

"But Mary Ann," you might ask, "why did you just stick with the first one you tried?  There could be better out there."

The answer is simple.  My husband said in a conversation with someone else, and I quote, "Mary Ann makes the best salsa ever. I have thrown away the last three jars because they weren't any good after I had hers."

Thats enough for me.


I made this last year and it wasn't quite hot enough so I added another jalapeño and a habanero pepper this year.  Spiciness level is now acceptable.

This year I was being lazy though, and I regret it.  I used canned tomatoes.  I went for whole, organic, unseasoned tomatoes.

I will only say this once and it is very important to remember.  (More for myself.)  Never, ever use canned tomatoes for salsa.  I will now and forever go through the trouble of coring, peeling, deseeding and chopping the tomatoes myself.  There is a certain canned tomato taste in this years batch and I am quite upset about it.  Never again.

If you are interested-- I at least double the recipe so I only have to do it once a year.

The canning part is not difficult.  The salsa itself is probably hot enough to self seal but I put them in a hot water bath for about 5 minutes just to be sure.

Have you made this recipe?  What were your changes if any?  Happy canning!

Wednesday, 26 August 2015

Update on my garden

Hello all.  No pictures...

Just a quick update on my garden.  I got tons of jalapeños--none of which I got to enjoy because they were accidentally disposed of.  Weird wording -- short story is I froze them, our refrigerator crapped itself, jalapeños accidentally got left in the freezer, unit got thrown away.

I did actually get a few tomatoes.  I was surprised because I fought with them so hard this year.  I don't know what type of tomato they are -- my husbands grandfather's father (I think I got that right) got them from the banks of the Ohio River in WV.  They are over 100 years old, an heirloom.  They are fickle things.  They love coming out later-- like late June late-- otherwise they are just rebellious teenager tomato plants.  Anyways, they are absolutely delicious with cottage cheese and some pepper!!

Of course, I am a basil growing queen.  How you ask?  I don't know.  It just happens.

I won't even comment on the strawberries.  Just that I will never try them again.

It was a fairly successful year for how little effort I actually put forth.  I am happy.